
Registration is currently full for this event, but there is a Wait List. Simply complete the form below to be added to the Wait List.

There are currently 16 people on the wait list

Owl Prowl
Join us for a 2-part program to learn all about owls! An indoor session featuring live owls with our friends from the Carbon County Environmental Education Center will be paired with an outdoor walk led by Conservation Volunteer Dave Kruel and park staff to listen for owls that might be calling. Interested participants should register and dress appropriately for the temperatures with warm footwear and layers that include hats and gloves. While there is no charge for attending this program, we’re asking folks to consider bringing an item off CCEEC’s wish list to help them out as “admission” to the program. As a non-profit, licensed wildlife rehabilitation center, every donation, no matter the size, makes a big difference. Items in need are paper towels, baby blankets, plain facial tissues, pocket hand warmers, nitrile gloves, cheerios, baby food in jars, fresh produce, parrot toys, used play-skool toys, palmolive dish liquid. Registration is required.
Nescopeck State Park
1/28/2023 12:00:00 AM
1/28/2023 8:00:00 PM

  (Example Format: 5555555555)
 (Age is only required if the person is under 18 years of age)
    I will need accommodation in order to participate in this program. I recognize that if an ASL interpreter is needed, I will need to register 5 days or more in advance of the event so that the park can secure an interpreter for me.
    I will notify Nescopeck State Park if my plans change.